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Sasso hand picks every single one of her items as she works closely with talented designers she collaborates with to bring you unique fashion pieces. With that said, it is very difficult to pick few favorites and that’s why you will always find updated top picks here! These beautiful items are newly added to the tent and we hope you enjoy owning them as much as we enjoyed selecting them for you

Handpicked items from across the globe.
Add unique, cultural and artistic flavour into your life.
Inclusive of products and fashion just for men.
...or shop by country
Mexican Folk Dancers
Old Silver Candle Stands
Products as unique as you are.

"The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.” Every culture is different and unique but we all express our differences through fashion, art, and traditions. Sasso’s tent is a modest representation of this quote. We aim to feature unique products that are inspired by different cultures. 

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